Stewardship: The joyful giving of Tme, Talent, and Treasure.
We gift cheerfully and joyfully in response to what Jesus has done
and continues to do for us individually and as a congregation through
His payment for our debt of sin. We want to provide everyone an
opportunity to participate in the spiritual exercise of Christian stewardship.
CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP is the free and joyous activity of the child of God
and God‘s family, the church, in managing all of life and life‘s resources for
God's purposes. These resources include our time, our talent and our treasure.
For more about stewardship, click
Donation By Mail
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
Shelton, WA 98584
Online Giving
You can securely give through our online donation page:
Community Ministries
Donated items may be left with church secretary or placed in narthex.
First Sunday: Food donations are collected for the Saints' Pantry food bank.
Please also remember, even though it may difficult, under the Covid 19 situation, to collect all our contributions at church, you can still drop off donations to the Pantry located at 214 South Second St. daily from 8:30—11:00 am. Volunteers are on duty to assist unloading vehicles.
Second Sunday: Collect and distribute for Turning Pointe Survivor Advocacy Center.
Third Sunday: Collect for Care Net Life advocacy Center. These items could include formula, diapers newborn to toddler, baby clothes and blankets. Gently used baby/toddler clothes are also accepted, but please new items only for babies.
Fourth Sunday: Collecting clothes and toiletries for distribution among Mason County Warming Center, Community Lifeline Center, and Shelton Family Services